How To Make A Working Deadly Virus

Undefined Soul 11:29 PM
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Note:- Only For Educational Purpose!!


Virus software to make Virus:

Now you don't have to know any programming or coding to make virus. Simply use this Virus software and you can easily make virus for yourself. This virus software provides you with various options which you can use to make virus according to your preferences. This virus program is tested to well working Windows XP and Windows Vista.

How to make Virus by Virus software:

1. Free Download Virus software to make virus.

2. Run "In Shadow Batch Virus Generator.exe" application to see something like this:

3. You can use various options to make virus to suit your needs. You can:

- Infect files of various extensions
- Insert virus in startup menu, Kill various processes.
- Disable all security services like Windows Defender, Antivirus, Firewall.
- Rename file extensions, spread virus via file sharing.
- Create new admin account, change user account password.
- Block various websites, download trojan files to victim computer, shutdown victim computer and much more.

4. After selecting various options, move on to "Creating Options" tab and hit on "Save as Bat". Assign name to the virus and hit on Save.

5. Now, you have your virus ready to hack your victim. Thus, you are able to make virus using Virus software.

Note: This security article is for educational purpose only. I am not responsible for any action performed by you. Also, do not try this virus on your own computer. If you wanna try out this virus on your computer, install Deep Freeze software and then try out virus to avoid any possible damage to your computer.

This virus software is one of the most efficient virus software used today.

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